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A 5-Step Guide to Creating a Bee-friendly Garden

Bees play a crucial role in our ecosystem by pollinating flowers, fruits, and vegetables, and they are simply useful. Transforming your garden into a haven for these buzzing pollinators not only benefits the environment but also adds charm and vitality to your outdoor space. In this blog, we'll share a 5-step guide on how to create a bee-friendly garden that supports their population and keeps them buzzing happily.

Plant a Variety of Bee-friendly Flowers:

To create a bee haven, plant a diverse range of flowering plants, including native wildflowers, that bloom at different times of the year. This provides a consistent food source for bees throughout the seasons. Some bee-friendly flowers include foxgloves, bluebells, and daisies. When selecting plants, opt for single flower varieties, as they are more accessible for bees to gather pollen and nectar. Bees are particularly attracted to vivid colours such as blue, purple, yellow, and white. Planting an assortment of these colourful blooms not only beautifies your garden but also creates a more enticing environment for bees to visit.

You can find many plants and seeds at Palmers Garden Centre:

Did you know that Honey Craft Bees reside in the Bradgate House Ruins within the most beautiful and pollinator friendly Walled Garden, which is meticulously maintained by Bradgate Park volunteers? When you attend the 'Meet the Bees' event, you'll have the opportunity to admire this absolutely stunning garden.

Avoid Pesticides and Chemicals:

Many pesticides and chemicals can be harmful to bees and other pollinators. Instead, opt for organic gardening methods and natural pest control solutions to maintain a healthy, bee-friendly environment. Encourage beneficial insects like ladybirds and lacewings to help control pests without harming the bees.

Create a Bee Bath:

Bees need water just like we do, but they require shallow water sources to avoid drowning. Place a shallow dish filled with water and some pebbles or marbles for bees to stand on while drinking. Remember to keep the water fresh and clean to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria.

Provide Shelter for Bees:

Bees require a safe place to nest and lay their eggs. Consider adding bee hotels, log piles, or small, undisturbed patches of bare ground to your garden to provide suitable nesting sites for

solitary bees. For honeybees and bumblebees, leave some hollow plant stems or dead wood as nesting spots.

Learn more about bees and other pollinators:

Finally, learn more about the various bee species and their needs. By sharing your knowledge with friends, family, and neighbours, you can inspire others to join the cause and create bee-friendly gardens of their own. If you are keen to learn more about bees, book your Meet the Bees Experience at Bradgate Park.

Creating a bee-friendly garden is a rewarding and enjoyable way to support these vital pollinators while adding charm and vitality to your outdoor space. By following these seven simple steps, you'll be well on your way to providing a thriving haven for bees and other beneficial insects, contributing to the health and beauty of your garden and the environment as a whole.

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